My Story

I’m the friendly face at church, the mom chasing her busy toddler in restaurants and the woman who is finally starting to feel comfortable in her own skin!  

 Hi, I’m Lindsay. I’ve been married to my college sweetheart for 12 years and we have two amazing kids ages 2 and 8!  I work full-time as a marketing director, I'm an online fitness coach and I’m the gal behind MomTime Cafe. Helping busy moms find more time to live a healthy life. I'm always on a quest to find more time and simplify my life, aren’t you?! 

Up until 2010, I was living my life pretty unconsciously! I was eating whatever I wanted, never working out. As you can imagine, behaving that way can sneak up on you!  Over the past few years, I have discovered a lot about myself through eating better and working out on a consistent basis. Tony Horton, P90X and most importantly, God have really changed me to believe that I could do anything I set out to do. Accomplishing a tough 90-day home fitness program was a powerful experience for me. Since then, God has placed me on an amazing journey to grow myself in all areas of life and inspire, groom, and encourage others to achieve a healthy and balanced life too.

Here is my fitness story:

Currently I am using Les Mills Combat and Shakeology for my fitness plan. To find out more about these products and other amazing products from Team BeachBody. Please contact me personally.