Success Stories

These are stories of people just like you. They come from places and backgrounds just like you. They saw a need for change and took the plunge...just like you. Enjoy their success, but know that your story can be here too. 

Mom of Three Finds Her Confidence

Jennifer H. - Weight loss: 33 lbs - Program:  TurboFire

I had never been an athlete... never been in shape. Never really worked out for the first 30 years of my life. Coincidentally, I had never really felt good about myself for the first 30 years of my life either. When I turned 30, after having 2 babies, I started running on my own to try to get in shape. I loved the rush, the sweat, the time for myself and I even started liking my body and self a little bit more. And then we added 1 more baby to our family when I was 32. I stopped running and went back to my old ways. A year after having my 3rd child, I knew it was time to get my act together and start make some changes. 

After a decade of what seemed like being pregnant, having babies and nursing... I had fallen into a place where I did not know who I was. I did not like who I was, inside or out. I was becoming more and more tired, grumpy, ashamed, and self-conscious, and just felt frumpy and disappointed in myself. I loathed trips to shop for clothes, and needing to buy bigger sizes every time. I would not take my kids to the pool, because I was so self conscious about my appearance... and in turn had horrible self guilt for taking that opportunity away from my children. I ate anything I wanted, anytime I wanted, in any quantity I wanted. I turned to food to deal with my emotions... emotions of all kinds. I was sad and depressed, and I realized that I had to make some changes. I could not keep eating the way I was eating, or remain inactive if I wanted to feel better about myself and turn my life around.

Lindsay, a friend and fellow Beachbody coach, had been reaching out for a while. She believed in me, and she never gave up on me. She encouraged me, and saw in me what I did not even know was there. Her motivation and support helped me see my true potential. To this day she is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and for her I am forever grateful.

The start of 2013 brought the opportunity for me to join a Beachbody challenge group. Little did I know what an amazing journey I was about to begin. On January 1, 2013 I started TurboFire, drinking Shakeology and eating well. I started changing my life. Inside and out. With the support of my Beachbody coach, Shakeology, and my fellow challengers... I felt like I could do anything!  I could make good choices and I could feel great about myself. I could give my best even on the toughest of days, and I was not going to let anything get in my way. Especially my old self. I started to take responsibility for how I was feeling, what I was eating, how much I was exercising, and truly making the best choices to make me a better person. On day 60 I was down 15lbs and 16in. On day 90, I was down 22lbs and 22in.

Today I have lost a total of 33lbs and am the most healthy and fit I have ever been in my life. I am wearing sizes that I never even dreamed of... but not only that and even better, I am happy. I wear a smile. I am healthy, I am fit, I am confident, I am proud, I have self worth, I have energy and I am excited for life. I still love food and I still love to eat, though now for new and better reasons! I feel like I am a better wife and mother, and I am so excited to share this excitement to all of those around me! Not only has this Beachbody program changed my body… it has changed my attitude, my mind, and my life. I have found my true passion.
You can follow Jen and learn more of her story @

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Busy veterinarian finds her focus
Kris, Focus T25 Challenger, Lost 15 Pounds in 10 Weeks

A few years ago, I started noticing I was gaining weight.  It started as just a few pounds here and there but it turned into buying new clothes to fit when my old ones didn’t.  After I jumped yet another size, I decided to make a change.

My friend, Lindsay, was doing workouts at home and she looked great.  I always thought, “There is no way that I have time to meal plan and workout.”  I asked her about it a few times, but was never ready to commit, until I again went up another size. 

Being a busy veterinarian, my schedule is unpredictable.  I am “on call” a lot and it’s always been a struggle to have a consistent schedule, so I was pretty nervous about trying something new.  I didn’t think that I could stick to something long-term without falling off the wagon.  I spoke to Lindsay about how to do this.  She laid out a roadmap for nutrition, suggested a workout program that would fit into my crazy schedule and plugged me into a private support group with other women just like me.  I was in and committed!

BUT WOW, was I in for some hard work.  My first few weeks I really struggled.  I was hungry, I was exhausted and I was not losing weight.  I wanted to quit.  I told Lindsay this wasn’t going to work for me, but she encouraged me to stick with it and to do the best that I could do.  My amazing support group was also rooting for me.  Every time I was struggling I turned to my group.  Instead of feeling defeated, I felt inspired.  They always had helpful suggestions and words of encouragement.  Over time, I learned how to live my new lifestyle.  I was no longer hungry and exhausted, but motivated by positive changes of healthy eating and exercise.
 Bottom line, I never gave up! It was not always easy.  I cheated, I got lazy, but I stuck with it.  10 weeks later, I was down 15 pounds.  My journey still continues and while I still struggle with my nutrition and finding time to workout on a consistent basis, my support group has been a major reason why I haven’t given up.  This accountability has been HUGE for me.


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