Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In The End, How Will You Be Remembered?

Morbid question alert!  Have you ever thought about your own funeral?  Have you ever given thought to who might be there?  What the service would look and feel like?  Who would stand up and speak about you?  More importantly, what your spouse, parents or children might say about you during the eulogy?  What about your friends or people from your church?

As part of an exercise from a book I am reading, I went through this visualization.  Ironically, it was quite a peaceful, eye-opening experience to walk through the details of this moment.  I have been to plenty of funerals in my lifetime, but I think out of human nature, I have never allowed myself to think about what it would be like to sit through my very own.

After I viewed my lifeless body and took my seat, I began to imagine what my husband, kids and parents would say about me.  Ultimately, their parting words about me are all that truly matter.  This is what I heard:

“Lindsay loved life!  She was a woman who always lived for the moment - actively living life and always having time to find beauty in the simplest places.”
“She was one of the rare people who was never too busy to stop what she was doing and be with anyone who needed a listening ear. She was a great comforter.”    

“Lindsay oozed the love of Jesus from her pores and that love was felt by anyone who was around her.”

“Mom loved us fiercely.  She gave us the freedom to find our own inner voices.  She never doubted us and gave us the confidence to find our purpose.” 

“Mom believed in us so much, fostered our God-given gifts and gave us strength to follow our dreams.”

“Mom always gave more than she received. I only hope I can be the same kind of mom to my kids.” 

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? 

Going through this exercise of watching my own funeral really allowed me to see that those comments ARE REALLY what I should be striving for in life.  Those comments, rolled up, have now become my new “life vision.” 

What I learned is that my constant desire to achieve and run the perfect household may give me some sort of control and sense of order, but those things are just temporary and ultimately do not give me ultimate happiness.  I have learned that my current way of life is incongruity with the life that I want to be remembered for.  Some things need to change.

Today, I encourage you to go through this exercise.  Think about every little detail.  What things need to change in your life to start living the life you want to be remembered for?  Do you need God in your life again?  Do you need to redirect your focus from material things to the intangible gifts of life?  Are you like me and need to take the “business” out of your family life and start being in the moment?  Whatever it is, I encourage you to try this…and see what is revealed.  You might learn something new and that my friends, is a true gift!  

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