Friday, November 8, 2013

What's Your Holiday Eating Plan?


The holidays are approaching. What's your holiday eating plan? 

Most people don't have one. The result: they gain weight. This doesn't have to be you. Not this year. If you would like some accountability, I invite you to join my upcoming challenge group. The Holiday Shakedown. It's a very special holiday challenge to get you where you want to be just in time for 2014! Your time is now! Sign up below and we will begin our holiday season with a plan on November 18th.

You kit will include 30 days of Shakeology, a Private Facebook group, a Yummy meal plan, and personal coaching by Lindsay.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Busy veterinarian finds her focus

Kris, Focus T25 Challenger, Lost 15 Pounds in 10 Weeks

A few years ago, I started noticing I was gaining weight.  It started as just a few pounds here and there but it turned into buying new clothes to fit when my old ones didn’t.  After I jumped yet another size, I decided to make a change.

My friend, Lindsay, was doing workouts at home and she looked great.  I always thought, “There is no way that I have time to meal plan and workout.”  I asked her about it a few times, but was never ready to commit, until I again went up another size. 

Being a busy veterinarian, my schedule is unpredictable.  I am “on call” a lot and it’s always been a struggle to have a consistent schedule, so I was pretty nervous about trying something new.  I didn’t think that I could stick to something long-term without falling off the wagon.  I spoke to Lindsay about how to do this.  She laid out a roadmap for nutrition, suggested a workout program that would fit into my crazy schedule and plugged me into a private support group with other women just like me.  I was in and committed!

BUT WOW, was I in for some hard work.  My first few weeks I really struggled.  I was hungry, I was exhausted and I was not losing weight.  I wanted to quit.  I told Lindsay this wasn’t going to work for me, but she encouraged me to stick with it and to do the best that I could do.  My amazing support group was also rooting for me.  Every time I was struggling I turned to my group.  Instead of feeling defeated, I felt inspired.  They always had helpful suggestions and words of encouragement.  Over time, I learned how to live my new lifestyle.  I was no longer hungry and exhausted, but motivated by positive changes of healthy eating and exercise.
 Bottom line, I never gave up! It was not always easy.  I cheated, I got lazy, but I stuck with it.  10 weeks later, I was down 15 pounds.  My journey still continues and while I still struggle with my nutrition and finding time to workout on a consistent basis, my support group has been a major reason why I haven’t given up.  This accountability has been HUGE for me.

To read other's incredible stories and realize they are just like you check out my Success Stories page.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

10 Weeks to a NEW you, October 28th

I am STOKED about Focus T25!  Seriously!  This program is a game changer!  I created MomTime CafĂ© because life is always a juggling act and what mom isn’t on the quest for more time?? THE biggest hurdle is NOT working out. What I hear from busy moms is “I don’t have TIME to work out”.  And, I’m with you!  I used to say the same thing!!!  Plus, we tell ourselves lies like "now that I'm a mom my body will never look good again".  But, now there is a program designed JUST for you and one that will get you the results you’ve been longing for!

So, it’s time to answer all the questions I’ve been getting about this new program and what can it do for you. 

Here's the lowdown.
What is Focus T25?

T25 is the newest in-home fitness program designed to deliver an hour’s worth of results in just 25 minutes!  The program includes 9 different workout DVDs. Each workout is 25 minutes long and you work out just five days a week!   Can I get an "amen?"  The program is 10 weeks long. 

What are the workouts like?
The workouts are fast-paced routines that are jammed pack with dynamic, high-intensity moves designed for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Do I need special equipment?

Who is this program designed for?
Busy people who want to work out in less time, but still get GREAT results.

I'm a newbie. Can a beginner do this program?
Yes!  Each 25-minute workout includes a person doing a modified version of the exercises.  This “modifier” takes out the “high intensity” from the exercises.  So, for example, if you have knee trouble, you can watch that person do the modified move which keeps the exercise low impact.  This is designed to keep you safe and gives a beginner a good place to start.

I am a seasoned workout pro. Will this program challenge me?
Absolutely!  Any time you mix up your fitness routine, you are confusing your muscles and creating new change for your body.  

Only 25 minutes?  I’m used to longer workouts.  Can I get a good calorie burn with these workouts?
Yes!  If you are a woman, you can expect to burn on average 300 calories or more per workout depending on your level of intensity. 

This program sounds cool, but how can I trust I can get results?
Great question!  This program was designed by Shaun T, creator of Insanity and Hip Hop Abs. All the workouts are designed to give users the best possible results.  Shaun T’s personal training and coaching take the guesswork out.  He tells you EXACTLY what to do and when to do it.  Plus, you get me as your personal coach supporting your journey!  Did you happen to see my fellow coach's results? 
So I know working out alone doesn't get someone killer results, so what do I eat on this program?
Glad you asked!  How about a dense daily dose of superfood nutrition?  Yes!  Shakeology is the vital component to your results. Replace one meal a day with Shakeology and curb cravings, increase your energy and give your body the fuel it needs!  The program also comes with a no-nonsense nutrition guide with ideas for the busy person in mind!  Shakeology flavors come in Chocolate, Tropical Strawberry, Greenberry and just out, Vanilla which I’m calling Vanill-Amazing!

T25…Where have you been all my life?  I like what I’m hearing. What now?

I invite you to join my exclusive T25 virtual challenge group!  I’m accepting no more than 10 people to join my virtual group starting on October 28, 2013.  The group will fill up FAST so if you’re thinking on it for a few days, you might get left out.  Don’t get left out!

I’m in, sign me up!

Wait, not so fast!  Just fill out this form for more information and I’ll follow up with you in less than 24 hours. Don’t order anything yet!  Let’s talk to make sure this is the right choice for you! 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's About Time - October 7th!!!

I am STOKED about Focus T25!  Seriously!  This program is a game changer!  I created MomTime CafĂ© because life is always a juggling act and what mom isn’t on the quest for more time?? THE biggest hurdle is NOT working out. What I hear from busy moms is “I don’t have TIME to work out”.  And, I’m with you!  I used to say the same thing!!!  Plus, we tell ourselves lies like "now that I'm a mom my body will never look good again".  But, now there is a program designed JUST for you and one that will get you the results you’ve been longing for!

So, it’s time to answer all the questions I’ve been getting about this new program and what can it do for you. 

Here's the lowdown.
What is Focus T25?

T25 is the newest in-home fitness program designed to deliver an hour’s worth of results in just 25 minutes!  The program includes 9 different workout DVDs. Each workout is 25 minutes long and you work out just five days a week!   Can I get an "amen?"  The program is 10 weeks long. 

What are the workouts like?
The workouts are fast-paced routines that are jammed pack with dynamic, high-intensity moves designed for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Do I need special equipment?

Who is this program designed for?
Busy people who want to work out in less time, but still get GREAT results.

I'm a newbie. Can a beginner do this program?
Yes!  Each 25-minute workout includes a person doing a modified version of the exercises.  This “modifier” takes out the “high intensity” from the exercises.  So, for example, if you have knee trouble, you can watch that person do the modified move which keeps the exercise low impact.  This is designed to keep you safe and gives a beginner a good place to start.

I am a seasoned workout pro. Will this program challenge me?
Absolutely!  Any time you mix up your fitness routine, you are confusing your muscles and creating new change for your body.  

Only 25 minutes?  I’m used to longer workouts.  Can I get a good calorie burn with these workouts?
Yes!  If you are a woman, you can expect to burn on average 300 calories or more per workout depending on your level of intensity. 

This program sounds cool, but how can I trust I can get results?
Great question!  This program was designed by Shaun T, creator of Insanity and Hip Hop Abs. All the workouts are designed to give users the best possible results.  Shaun T’s personal training and coaching take the guesswork out.  He tells you EXACTLY what to do and when to do it.  Plus, you get me as your personal coach supporting your journey!  Did you happen to see my fellow coach's results? 
So I know working out alone doesn't get someone killer results, so what do I eat on this program?
Glad you asked!  How about a dense daily dose of superfood nutrition?  Yes!  Shakeology is the vital component to your results. Replace one meal a day with Shakeology and curb cravings, increase your energy and give your body the fuel it needs!  The program also comes with a no-nonsense nutrition guide with ideas for the busy person in mind!  Shakeology flavors come in Chocolate, Tropical Strawberry, Greenberry and just out, Vanilla which I’m calling Vanill-Amazing!

T25…Where have you been all my life?  I like what I’m hearing. What now?

I invite you to join my exclusive T25 virtual challenge group!  I’m accepting no more than 10 people to join my virtual group starting on October 7, 2013.  The group will fill up FAST so if you’re thinking on it for a few days, you might get left out.  Don’t get left out!

I’m in, sign me up!

Wait, not so fast!  Just fill out this form for more information and I’ll follow up with you in less than 24 hours. Don’t order anything yet!  Let’s talk to make sure this is the right choice for you! 

Fast and Easy Dinner Recipe

Chicken Stir Fry Broccoli, Mushrooms and Snow Peas

**From Insanity Nutrition Guide
Calories: 307

4 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast cut into 1-inch cubes

1 cup broccoli florets
½ cup sliced mushrooms
½ cup snow peas
2 tsp. reduced sodium soy sauce (or Bragg Liquid Aminos)
2 Tbsp. chicken broth
1 tsp. sesame oil
1/3 cup brown rice, cooked

Cook chick breast pieces over medium heat until cooked through, about 7-10 minutes. Remove chicken from pan and cook broccoli, mushrooms and snow peas in the same pan. Cook until vegetables begin to soften, about 6-8 minutes. Add the chicken back to the pan, with the vegetables, and season with soy sauce, chicken broth and sesame oil. Serve over 1/3 cup cooked brown rice.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In The End, How Will You Be Remembered?

Morbid question alert!  Have you ever thought about your own funeral?  Have you ever given thought to who might be there?  What the service would look and feel like?  Who would stand up and speak about you?  More importantly, what your spouse, parents or children might say about you during the eulogy?  What about your friends or people from your church?

As part of an exercise from a book I am reading, I went through this visualization.  Ironically, it was quite a peaceful, eye-opening experience to walk through the details of this moment.  I have been to plenty of funerals in my lifetime, but I think out of human nature, I have never allowed myself to think about what it would be like to sit through my very own.

After I viewed my lifeless body and took my seat, I began to imagine what my husband, kids and parents would say about me.  Ultimately, their parting words about me are all that truly matter.  This is what I heard:

“Lindsay loved life!  She was a woman who always lived for the moment - actively living life and always having time to find beauty in the simplest places.”
“She was one of the rare people who was never too busy to stop what she was doing and be with anyone who needed a listening ear. She was a great comforter.”    

“Lindsay oozed the love of Jesus from her pores and that love was felt by anyone who was around her.”

“Mom loved us fiercely.  She gave us the freedom to find our own inner voices.  She never doubted us and gave us the confidence to find our purpose.” 

“Mom believed in us so much, fostered our God-given gifts and gave us strength to follow our dreams.”

“Mom always gave more than she received. I only hope I can be the same kind of mom to my kids.” 

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? 

Going through this exercise of watching my own funeral really allowed me to see that those comments ARE REALLY what I should be striving for in life.  Those comments, rolled up, have now become my new “life vision.” 

What I learned is that my constant desire to achieve and run the perfect household may give me some sort of control and sense of order, but those things are just temporary and ultimately do not give me ultimate happiness.  I have learned that my current way of life is incongruity with the life that I want to be remembered for.  Some things need to change.

Today, I encourage you to go through this exercise.  Think about every little detail.  What things need to change in your life to start living the life you want to be remembered for?  Do you need God in your life again?  Do you need to redirect your focus from material things to the intangible gifts of life?  Are you like me and need to take the “business” out of your family life and start being in the moment?  Whatever it is, I encourage you to try this…and see what is revealed.  You might learn something new and that my friends, is a true gift!  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

FitBit Flex Newbie Review

Have you ever noticed that the most successful people in life are “trackers”.  If someone wants to grow their wealth, they track their spending.  If someone wants a good running time in their next marathon, they track their time.  Tracking isn’t a glamorous life and it doesn’t exactly lend itself to spontaneity, but successful people are trackers.  They are disciplined and they know their numbers.

Over time, I have come to realize the importance of tracking my health and fitness.  As simple as I can state it, if you want to lose weight or maintain it, you need to know how many calories you are burning and how many you are eating every day. It's easy math, calories in must be less than calories out. Tracking these items doesn’t address whether or not the calories you are eating come from “clean food”.  That’s another topic for another day, but for a beginner, this is a good place to start. :)
It's like Christmas

So the “Analog Girl” (me) decided to pick up a FitBit Flex because I wanted to try to be a little more connected to my health and fitness – and wearing it on my wrist provides a nice visual reminder of the commitment I have made to myself.  I’m not very tech savvy, so I’m sharing my non-technical review, but if you’re less technical than me, you may have some questions, so please ask away. Three years ago I was just starting my fitness journey, so I’m always wearing those glasses when writing these posts.

Here is my non techie, beginners review on FitBit Flex: 

  1. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE TECH SAVVY.  It takes about 20 minutes to set up your new Flex.  If you have an iPhone or a Droid, you can install an app on your phone which allows you to see your progress.  The installation is simple and easy to follow.  You can also log into your FitBit account via the website to see your progress from any computer.
  2. IT TRACKS YOUR STEPS.  I receive lots of questions on where to start a fitness journey.  Most times, people want to start simple, so I suggest walking.  Flex allows you to see how many steps you walk per day.  You can set a daily goal (I recommend 10,000) and shoot for it everyday.  If you have friends with the Flex (ADD ME!), you can “sync up” with them and start some friendly competition to see who is racking up the most steps per week.  I love this and find myself doing more because I want to see myself reach a goal.  My Flex “lights up” and vibrates for a few seconds when I achieve it. Yay!
  3. HELPS SET OTHER GOALS.  A built-in pedometer is just one cool feature.  You can set other goals like how many calories you burn per day, how many “Very Active” minutes you want to achieve and see your weight progress.
  4. SYNCS UP WITH MYFITNESSPAL.COM.  I love  I track my daily calories in that program.  It’s a great place to log your food and focus on meeting a daily calorie intake goal.  Since I use this app on my phone, daily, I love the fact that myfitnesspal syncs up to my Flex app.  This sounds technical, but actually quite easy to set up! 
  5. TRACKS YOUR SLEEP. Are you getting enough sleep? We have all heard that it’s important for adults to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.  It’s true.  Our bodies need the rest and they do a lot of repairing while we are asleep.  The Flex tracks sleep.  I probably love this feature the most because I really didn’t have an accurate idea of how many hours a night I was sleeping or how “soundly” I was sleeping.  Turns out, I’m not getting enough - only 6 hours on average.  I wake up at least 6-9 times a night – and even more if I’m not wearing my mouth-guard (nice, huh?).  You better believe I am working to get more sleep now that I know…and that mouth-guard is going in every night now versus just when I would think about it.
    it's sleek and stylish

Would I recommend buying the Flex?  Yes.  But, it’s just one tool.   

An important tool that often gets overlooked is a heart rate monitor.  I innocently bought the Flex, thinking that it would accurately track the calories I am burning in my daily workouts and that is not the case.  The Flex is not a heart rate monitor.  So, I use a HRM when I work out and enter the calories I burned into my app.  Everything syncs up and I love seeing a daily picture of my health and fitness.

If you have any questions about the Flex, let me know.  I’d also love to hear how you are using yours.