Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I love you more than my phone...

It’s like Christmas in April! Yep, I got a new phone. She sure is pretty in her pretty pink and gray case. I definitely feel more “together” now that I have a sophisticated smart phone keeping me on task!

Am I excited about our new journey together? ABSOLUTELY! I am just imagining all the videos I will take of my children, the fun food picture collages I will make, the lists I will make to keep me organized…ahhh, the possibilities are endless!

I’m a little scared though! That I’m too close with my phone. The constant checking of Facebook to see if I have a new like or comment from one of my friends. The scrolling through the newsfeed. Getting
caught up in looking at someone’s engagement photos or child’s first birthday…or even looking at pages of others who aren’t even my friends. Sounds a little obsessive compulsive, doesn’t it?

The truth is. I have an unhealthy relationship with my phone. I love that it keeps me on task with my favorite apps like Habit List and Myfitnesspal. Those apps so happen to be on my phone to keep me focused on the activities that are important for me to stay on track and get the results that I’m looking for. On the other hand, my phone is exactly what I DON’T want in my life. I have enough on my plate. And, quite honestly, getting caught up in what everyone else is doing is a little exhausting…and at times depressing! Why do I let Facebook and other meaningless activities on my phone jockey for first place in my life?

The reality check for me was this morning. When I was ready to sit down with God and my YouVersion app, but I had to check Facebook, just one more time.

The point is, God is number one…and he deserves so much more from me. My family, too! Shouldn’t they get my sole focus and attention when I am with them? They need to feel my presence through my interactions with them, not a half hearted response while I’m distracted on my phone. I know I am not the only one who struggles with this. So often I see parents with their children out to eat in a restaurant where the whole family is buried in their electronic devices. I don’t want to be one of those people. It’s a very slippery slope.

Problem identified. What am I going to do about it?

I’m going to hit the “reset” button on my evening schedule. No phone from the hours of 5:30 – 8:30 pm. This starts when I pick my kids up from school to when I put the last one down at night. It’s very hard to do this. I’ve done it before and fell off the wagon. But I am going to add it to my Habit List app as a daily activity “NO CHECKING PHONE FROM 5:30 – 8:30 PM”, so I can hold myself accountable. Realizing I cannot do it alone.
Will you join me? Check in and see how I’m doing?
This is my start!

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