Friday, September 7, 2012

Faith and Trust are Mutually Exclusive

Life has been in a whirlwind lately.  New exciting projects at work, my 14 month old son is just starting to walk, my daughter going back to school, staying in our current home for the longer term.  I have been grateful for the changes and decisions in the past several months, but I would be lying if I didn’t say all the changes aren’t affecting me, making me a little uneasy with life, where it’s going and how to deal with the day to day.  I’m just your everyday working mom and wife.

Faith and trust.  These are words that are so interchangeable that before this week, I hadn’t really even thought about these words.  Do they mean the same thing or are they different?  You go to church and you hear those words all the time.  But can you have faith if you don’t have trust?

I consider myself a woman of faith.  I believe in Jesus, that he walked this earth and that someday he will return.  It definitely took some time for me to truly believe this, but now I do and stand firm in my faith that He not only existed on earth, but he still does in spirit.

Each morning, I try to put my time in with God.  Some weeks are more consistent than others.  I sit down with my phone and reading a selected bible plan.  This week’s topic was “Confidence”.  Seemed appropriate enough to dive in and soak up some scripture. 

Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him.  For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.   Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm for God can be trust to keep his promise. - Hebrews 10:22-23. 
On this particular morning, my mental highlighter picked up the word, “trust”.  TRUST!  God wanted me to read this and focus on it.  If I’m not trusting to pray to God in hard times, thinking I can handle my issues on my own, how can God come in and do His work?  Lord knows, He will fix my boo-boo much better than me!  In our instant gratification society, we are programmed that when a problem surfaces, to stop the presses and fix the problem immediately.  We can’t handle pain for too long…nor do we have the time to really pray and ask God to handle in His time.

I am guilty of this behavior.  But, how do I stop it?

A friend of mine suggested that I ask God for more trust, more faith.  Hmm, I had never had that thought…you mean I can go to him for everything?  Crazy, right?

My realization this week is that one cannot fully have faith if they do not trust.  Trust is such a powerful word and even more powerful to GIVE.  I don’t have it all figured out this week, but here’s to the molding process.

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