Monday, May 16, 2011

Stetching Myself

Hi!  I’m Lindsay.  I’m a christian, mother, wife, volunteer junkie, newbie fitness girl, marketer.
 These are just a few of my labels…

Let me first say, that I admire anyone who has started blogging.  I like to think I am pretty savvy when it comes to technology, but this has been a stretch for me to get started…to say the least.  Not to mention, that one needs to be comfortable putting his/her ideas and feelings out there for the world to see.  Am I confident in myself to express myself in a more personal way?

Why did I start this blog?  Really to motivate myself to try new things.  I am a writer by degree, but don’t practice it as often as I should…and quite honestly, the whole idea intrigues me.  Will anyone really care to read my posts?  I hope so.
Being a marketer, I know, in theory that I should be pretty clear on what my focus should be for this blog, but I don’t. I’m just going to share things that move, motivate and inspire me.

I love motivational quotes, great stories of triumph and words of wisdom from family, friends, co-workers, etc. I also love my family, working for the family business, my newfound passion for working out and discovering ways to lead a more fulfilling life.  I hope you’ll join me on the journey! 

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