Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only 8 more weeks to go...

Tomorrow is a major milestone in my pregnancy.  I only have 8 weeks to go until I deliver a beautiful baby boy!

I have to be honest, initially, this pregnancy was a little rough on me from a mental standpoint.  When I found out I was pregnant I was at my ideal health and fitness. I had never been so in shape than I had at that point.  Knowing that I was going to pack on the pounds again and have to restart the climb all over in 9 months had me a little down.

What I quickly discovered though, was that I knew I could do lose the weight again. I had done it before.  Pre-pregnancy, I lost 20 lbs and got down to 11% body fat - down from 22%.  One might say that I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose on my tall frame, but I really was at a great place and felt fantastic thanks to P90X, Chalene Extreme AND Shakeology.

Keeping up with my diet and exercise has been good through the pregnancy - although I could have done better.  I try to walk/exercise at least once a day, but as the pregnancy has progressed, that has tapered off.  I used programs like Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam and Brazil Butt Lift (although I hear Yoga Booty Ballet is also a good one, I have never used it)  My diet has been ok too - I have given into temptations that I would have not done pre-pregnancy, but that’s ok.  Shakeology has helped pick up the slack and gives me the best nutrition I know I can get for me and the little one.

Everyone says the weight will melt off because I have been exercising.  We will see.  Regardless, I am ready to work hard and extreme again!

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