Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Just Give Me 10 Days

Need a jump start with your health and fitness?  Or maybe just a place to start?

I have a few questions for you:

  1. Do you have a hard time sticking to working out or a healthy diet for longer than a week or two? 
  2.  Do you struggle to figure out what are healthy foods to eat?
  3. Have you been at a weight loss plateau and not sure what to do differently?
  4. Do you have a job that requires you to sit all day?
  5. Are you so scared to make a change with your health that it has paralyzed you and you cannot make a decision on your next step?
  6. Are you a busy mom who struggles to find time to be healthy?

If you answered “YES” to any of the questions above, I feel you!  I have been there.  We are not too different, you and I!  I encourage you to keep reading.   

The 10 Day Challenge might be for you!

So, I get lots of questions on my challenge groups and since the 10 Day challenge is by far my favorite kind of challenge, I want to take a second to explain it a bit.

What is a 10 Day Challenge?
The 10 Day Challenge is 80% centered around nutrition awareness.  Since 80% of weight loss and fitness results come from what you eat, the challenge focuses on eating from a healthy and delicious meal plan.  We talk about meal planning, clean eating and what that means, how to navigate through the grocery store, what are good vs. bad things to eat, tracking calories and how often you should eat. Think Healthy Eating 101 – beginner basics.    

Where can I do this Challenge?
The 10 Day Challenge group all happens through a private “group” in Facebook.  You can participate in the challenge anywhere in the U.S.

Who might benefit from a 10 Day Challenge?
Anyone can join.  I am a busy, working mom of two, so I typically coach other moms who are trying to balance a busy life and desire to make some positive changes in their health and fitness. 

How much is it to participate?
$60.00.  Your kit includes a 10 day supply of Shakeology, an easy and delicious meal plan created by my team of coaches, personal coaching from me and a private facebook group with built-in support and accountability.

This sounds interesting, when does the next group start?
I run 10 Day Challenges quite often.  Just fill out the form to let me know of your interest and I’ll be sure to follow up with you to make sure this is the right fit for you.

Bottom line, you are always going to be busy and never have enough time in the day.  The first step to a new you is to simply DECIDE that today is going to be different than all the days in the past.  That you’re no longer going to wait around for a sign to do something for you.  Consider this post your “sign”.  I believe beyond the words that I type that YOU ARE WORTH IT!  You have all the resources inside of you to achieve your dreams. I would love to help, if you let me.

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