Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rainy Saturdays and Happy Summers

A random visit to the library on a rainy Saturday sparked this post.

I enrolled my daughter into the summer reading program at the local library. My 8-year-old daughter HATES to read.  It’s like pulling teeth during the school year. Twenty minutes isn’t all that long, but for her, it’s an eternity. 

Teachers encourage summer reading over the summer which I wholeheartedly agree with. But to be honest, six weeks of summer had passed and I was at a loss at what to do with her.

I can relate. I never REALLY liked to read as a kid.  I loved the Boxcar Children, the Babysitter Club series and maybe a few other random books, but I didn’t have a desire to read and it felt more like a chore than a pleasurable activity. 

So we BOTH enrolled into the summer reading program.  Can I just tell you it’s like watching a miracle happen in my house?  My daughter is motivated to read.  She took the time to find a few books that she might be interested in reading and completed her first chapter book in 2 hours.  Who is this kid?  
Who knew that a little challenge could be such an awesome motivator?  I’m a fitness coach who runs successful challenges. Why didn’t I ever think that a challenge like this would have the same effect?  Magic!

What about you?  Do you like to read?  I have to admit, I really enjoy reading as an adult!  It’s very relaxing and the excitement of being in a good book is FUN!  I’m on Goodreads and follow recommendations of good books from friends who are more avid readers. Truthfully, I don’t make time to read fiction books much anymore.

However, I do make time for personal development.  10 minutes everyday!  What is personal development?  Well, most of you might think of personal development as the “self help” or even the “business” section of the bookstore.  Personal development books focus on improving ones self.  Making us better. 

Do you have areas in your life that you’re struggling to work through?  Maybe it's effectively communicating in a relationship, finding your life’s purpose, discovering more time and life balance, dealing with a difficult person, or acknowledging your strengths so that you can be an effective leader at the office?  The possibilities are endless and all it takes is jotting down a few areas of struggle on a piece of paper and then searching for a place that can speak into them. For some of us the struggle might be so intense that you already know where you want to start and where to go. Others might still be on the fence or even unsure of why you might want to focus on yourself like this.

Why do this?  Why is personal development so important?  It's an investment. It's an investment in yourself , an investment in something new. Personal development can be a way to discover a different way, a new perspective or option. Too often we repeat the same cycle over and over again. And you know the definition of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Personal development is a place to stop the insanity and give you a new perspective and sometimes a solution. 

Personal Development can be for you!  Go to Amazon, type in a key area you need some help with and find the most popular books to start. Read the reviews, flip through the sneak peeks.  Then just do it! Commit to yourself. Begin the investment. 

You can borrow from your local library, get the audio version or try a subscription audio program like Audible.

I highly recommend audio books! On my way to the office, meetings, or my way home, I’m always listening to something.  Right now, I am listening to “Just Listen” by Mark Goulston.  I am learning how I can be a better listener and help others feel heard. I LOVE IT!

 For me audio books seem manageable. You can always find a few moments to listen.  You can listen while taking a walk, grocery shopping or doing chores after the kids go to bed.  You have the time to make it happen!  Make it your August challenge to commit to 10 minutes a day and be ready to see yourself grow!

If you’re looking for a place to start these are great books:

Happy summer reading and take a moment to tell me what you're reading!

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