Tuesday, June 25, 2013

6 Ways to Improve Your Mood

Most of you know, I'm a fitness and nutrition coach. I help motivate and encourage people to achieve their goals for a healthy and fulfilling life.

I wouldn't be real with you if I didn't let you in on a little secret.  I have down days. Days when I doubt myself.  Days when I don't want to eat healthy.  Days when I want to feel sorry for myself. Days when I feel like my life is so unbalanced that I don't know how I manage to get it all done. Days when I feel like I give more of me to others than I give to my own husband and kids. Days when I let the negative voices creep in and feel envious, selfish and a victim of my surroundings.

You know what?  Down days happen. And when they happen to me, I ask myself the following questions:

1.  Did I spend time with God today? Did I read His word and ask to be open to His will for my life? Did I pray for others? Did I truly listen to Him?

2. Did I work out today? Did I spend at least 20 minutes getting my heart rate up?  Did I break a sweat?

3. Did I have an eating plan today?  If not, why?  How does that make me feel?  Am I making unhealthy eating choices and if so, what emotion is attached?

4. Did I spend some time working on my own personal development?  If not, what could I be reading,listening to, or doing that could be giving me a different perspective and improve my outlook?

5.  Who have I been in contact with today?  Am I surrounding myself with people who love me, believe in me and support me?

6. What am I thankful for in my life?

Chances are, if I'm feeling down, something above is off. I skipped a workout, I didn't spend time with God,  I encountered a non-supportive person. You get the idea.

If you are struggling right now.  I encourage you to ask yourself these same questions.  What one thing could you start doing today to start improving your outlook?

Sometimes getting out of a down cycle can seem downright impossible, but I assure you, you are able to do anything with intention and a desire to change. It's within you. God bless!

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