Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Took the leap

He wants us to know ourselves.

I had one of those heart to heart moments tonight with my daughter. She took a big step in the courage and independence department today. She did something that she's been afraid to do for quite a while.

She decided to share with me her fear and anxiety over it and was quite tearful. Her "why" for taking that tough step was deep enough that she was willing to take that step. So cool to see this happen with my daughter...I know it was tough for her.

What did I do?? I just listened. Which is huge for me. For me, it's easy to swoop in, drive conversation and tell my daughter how she should feel or worse tell her to get over it ,but I looked deeper. And felt her emotions with her. Truly.

I know my walk with God continues to mold and shape me and make me a better mom. I felt like He was there tonight with us and leading us together in our talk.

The point. Don't feel guilty about working on you. Fitness, health and even spiritual focused time. The more you focus on you and your development, the more it compounds and shows up in such a beautiful way.


For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. - Matthew 12:34


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